ALBENGA CITY OF THE TOWERS...places to discover and to love


Albenga is a treasure chest to open and discover all its beauties; is a center of art destined to play a leading role on the stage of world culture. They hide treasures everywhere: from the past shows that the ancient towers, medieval walls, the monuments, the Baptistery, the Cathedral, the palaces and other religious buildings ..

Albenga "town of a hundred spiers." The towers that overlook the rooftops of Albenga are not exactly a hundred, but certainly a nice number, especially when added to the church steeples. Mostly built in the thirteenth century to the side of a stately home, they were to indicate the power of the family. They come with the base in massive blocks of stone, Tan ', while the upper part is made ??of bricks.

Sometimes they are covered by plaster a bit 'shabby with which the nineteenth century has dyed the gray city and now the taste is changed gradually erasing. Changes the fate of the towers: some have been preserved almost intact and have come down to us in all their splendor, others have undergone various modifications.

Cut and transformed into terraces, included within the houses until they disappear, severed for various events and with the wounds still open, inclined to subsidence of the land, which collapsed due to earthquakes. After admiring the magnificent towers of Piazza San Michele, postcard images, which have become the symbol of Albenga, just look up to see more adapted to the new requirements, peeping out from the roofs of the medieval city.




Known from the very 'Roman times for transit along the Via Julia Augusta, which runs behind her. Sunny town, lies with its Mediterranean-style homes at the foot of the two heads, that of Capo Mele, for those coming from France and the S. Croce arriving from Genoa..


Some historians trace the origin of the name for Aquilia by the eagle which was the insignia of the Roman legions crossing the Via Iulia Augusta overlying Laigueglia. The first written records about life in the country date back to the twelfth century, when it became part of the Republic of Genoa ..


The port of Loano is a major tourist stop in the port of Liguria, one of the largest in the Riviera di Ponente. And 'situated in the west of the city of Loano, Pietra Ligure on the border ..